Advanced Bodywork & Manual Therapy Sessions (reg. $150 for 1 Hour)
Current Special $100 for 1 hour.
Sessions may include some or all:
-evaluation in your pain, movement, posture, gait
-Intake history of injuries, surgeries, sports or hobbies
-Advanced Drug-Free Techniques to help pain, stiffness, mobility, balance, and general wellness in the joints and soft tissues.
What is this and what is a session like?
If you are tired of pills and traditional therapies and you are ready to be a part of your own recovery, this work could be right for you. This is not traditional Chiropractic, Massage, or Physical Therapy. This advanced bodywork is very effective and efficient when used for your recovery and maintenance all by itself, and it also complements the more traditional therapies by expediting their benefits as well as your recovery. This is unique and specialized work provided by a Board Certified Massage & Bodywork professional with over 20 years of experience in movement and bodywork. Licensed and Insured.
The client can expect to observe changes and give feedback between techniques, but extra small talk distracts from the session’s progress. The more you pay attention and work during the session, the better your results. Results are also accumulative so each session builds on to the previous work done. Techniques usually include combinations of deep tissue work along with movement that you will be actively coached through, restoring the *fascia (connective tissue) and engaging the nervous system. You may also be guided through movement correctives, some of which can be done at home. The goals are to efficiently restore space and balance in the body so pain drops away and body functions improve.
Usually the client only takes off their shoes and must be able to move without the help of another person. If we address the lower body or low back, bring walking shoes and expect to walk for about 10 minutes very soon after the session, if possible. Some techniques might not be recommended for people with “advanced” osteoporosis. Call if you have questions.
*Fascia (Connective tissue) is a huge web of tissue that holds everything in our body together, assists in movement, and is the richest organ in our body of nerve endings. When it gets bound up due to injury, overuse, under use, age, etc. there are negative side effects that aren’t necessarily in that immediate area. It can restrict nerve communication, limit body movement, and impede distribution of vital food, water, and air. Unraveling this web of tissue provides relief of the negative symptoms such as pain and stiffness and frees up blockages of other internal body functions necessary for thousands of important processes including healing. Keeping the body limber and moving pain free can reduce future injuries for all body types and give peak performance in daily life.
(Recovery) For problem areas, it’s best to do a few sessions close together until the problem goes away.
(Maintenance) After Recovery, it’s optimal to come in from time to time to go after other aches and stiffness to keep your body feeling great and moving easy in daily life. In keeping your body loose and pain free you will be more aware when you feel something tightening up which leads to bigger problems if left unattended.
(Prevention) Getting occasional appointments in this stage prevents many of the common problems that lead most people to pain relieving drugs that affect the whole body without actually fixing the problem.
How many sessions will I need?
Most people see a significant change in the first workout. There is no magic number of sessions because everyone’s problem is different and some people will work harder than others to get the desired results. For best results with a problem, multiple sessions scheduled close together (2 or 3 times in a week) and then you will have a good idea if you need more work for that problem or not. You want to make changes and help reprogram the patterns in the connective tissue and nervous system and if you spread your first appointments out over too much time it isn’t as efficient. You might also choose to use the work to open up other areas in the body that aren’t problematic yet. This will start to optimize all of the functions in your body by giving more space inside making it easier to operate and heal. Maintenance can restore the daily wear and tear in the body that causes future problems.
Does insurance cover these sessions?
Health Insurance coverage limits your care to administering medicine and other invasive procedures that usually treat the symptoms and not the cause. We should feel empowered to get ourselves to a healthier state and maintain that naturally without the restrictions of the current insurance and healthcare system. Most all joint and soft tissue problems can be resolved much more efficiently and non-invasively with advanced bodywork and manual therapy done in my office. Unfortunately in Virginia, health insurance doesn't cover this work, but there are a few exceptions to help some people. HSA and FSA cards do work in my office which can save you tax dollars so ask doctor for massage prescription. Also, open auto accident claims are covered by auto insurance with medical riders (no discounts are available on auto claims due to extra paperwork needed).
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