FastTrack Pain & Mobility Solutions
& Twin Palms Massage Therapy
Articles for Clients

- My YouTube Page: Check out my YouTube page for a few FREE videos that I've made to share information.

- VIDEO INTERVIEW Dr. Helene Langevin: The Science of Stretch  Great video on new Harvard studies on stretching connective tissue (fascia) for pain relief and healing. Also touches on importance of relaxation and body awareness for pain relief. This expresses new research to the benefits that I've utilized for a long time through training and experience of all the advanced bodywork, movement therapy I practice on clients, and the classes I teach.

- Fascia, Pain, and Wellness. Why take care of your connective tissue. "Fascia is not only one of the most prevalent tissues in the body, it is arguably one of the most potentially pain-sensitive as well." This is a lengthy, but thorough article on why you should keep your fascia healthy with a trained fascia professional.

- Dr. OZ on Steroid Epidural Injections (Cortisone shots): They aren't even FDA approved!!

- FDA Doesn't Approve Cortisone Shots for Back Pain posted on JAMA (The Journal of American Medicine Association) website

- Bulging Discs can disappear Without Surgery written by Chris Faubel, M.D.

- Back Pain Simply Happens? Written by Erik Dalton, Ph.D

Why Fascia is Cool Written by a yoga instructor, not a Rossiter Coach

Why Fascia Matters Written by a yoga instructor and Rolfer, not a Rossiter Coach.

- Cortisone Shots and Back Pain (not proven effective) 

- PODCAST Has Our Footwear Outgrown Our Feet? The Evidence Behind Barefoot Running – Dr. Irene Davis Great interview on Runners Connect about the difference in how our bodies develop with traditional shoes (cushioned and with support) vs. barefoot or minimalist shoes. Scroll down to about half way on the page to play this podcast. If you click the podcast at the top right of the page it will be a different podcast. I am not a runner, but the principles of letting the feet/body develop without squishy/supported shoes, even for everyday footwear is on par with what I suggest. Also please note that while they get to talking about runners landing mid-foot, this is not the case with walking or even brisk walking so please DO NOT think of them as the same. We are designed to heel strike when walking normal or even briskly. I can help you with the body mechanics of this in my office.

- High Heels and Health Risks (3D catscan)

- High Heels and foot problems

-3 easy ways to reduce stress and live happier and healthier. (This is actually a great one. Huge lessons in a brief article.)

-Body Scan for relaxation

-Green Tea is good for the soul  (a friend recommends and uses for his tea purchases.)

-Attitude of Gratitude (this came from an article I received from my chiropractor, Dr. Adams of Adams Chiropractic. It is a lesson of truth that you simply need to put in your life to experience. Do not take it for granted, please use it more and more.)

The Revolution of The Rossiter System for healthy pain free bodies:

Moving with no pain or stiffness:
  A secret to your happy longevity is right here.  Can you do all normal movements without pain or stiffness? It should not hurt anywhere to move your body. Try a few of these basic movements and there are so many more you do in your daily life: (note your left and right sides for differences too)  1) while standing, bend over safely to reach for the floor without bending your knees much at all. 2) While standing do a side bend to the left and right. 3) Move your head within its own limits safely, turn left/ right/ up/ down/ tilting to the right & left.  4) Reach your arms one at a time or together backwards; behind your back as if to tuck a shirt into the pants/ from there to scratching the mid back. 5) Raise both arms straight over head in a plane level to your vertical body.  6)  Sitting in a chair/ on the floor Indian style/ on your knees sitting your butt all the way down onto where your feet come together. 7) Walk barefoot on a hard floor with no carpet or cushioning. 8) Putting on and tying your shoes.

If any of these movements or others that you do hurt or feels tight and limited, even in the healthiest gym workouts or group exercise classes such as Yoga, Pilates, etc.,  this means you are already set up for injury and further movement dysfunction. This is a path that can seem either calm and quiet with gradual undetectable increases of pain or stiffness OR, sooner or later, can be a very quick reality check with changes in the life you used to call normal. Either way will eventually lead people worried wondering “What did I do to my body?” and “How do I fix it?”. Most people will take themselves to the family doctor or emergency room leading them to pills and shots designed to treat symptoms rather than fixing the actual problem. Some people will see their Chiropractor for a series of adjustments or massage therapists to sooth the muscles and de-stress for an hour, and then some people will just “take it like a man” and leave the injury alone.  These are all seemingly decent options in their own regard for reasons I won’t go into here, but these options by themselves don’t fully address the issue.

Sure, I could go into why you should also have me on your recover team, your local Rossiter Coach, for highly advanced and efficient techniques for pain and mobility, but that isn’t my point here today. My point is that this worrisome path set off by “Did I just brake myself?” could have been completely eliminated or, since you are still a mortal human, at least minimized the chances of greater injury to a huge degree. If you want, you can choose to be more proactive to reducing your injuries that lead to expensive doctor visits with prescriptions for pills and shots that aren’t even designed to fix your actual problem, costly tests and exams, months of therapy you don’t enjoy doing, and possibly surgery that will change your natural body forever.

Every minute of every day, whatever you do is establishing and reinforcing patterns in the body’s tissues and how it moves. If there is pain, the body will quickly go to the next easiest path to accomplish a similar movement while avoiding where it hurts. Now every time you move in this new way you train new tissue patterns and new dysfunctional movements to get better at being dysfunctional (read that last sentence again to let it sink in a bit). This is what leads to bigger problems down the road. You keep using the “work around” strategy, subconsciously even. Pain is communication that something is wrong now even if it seems minor. You don’t ignore a fire alarm in your house, you address it, right away, and then afterwards you try to find ways to keep that fire from ever happening again.

Start making a list of any of the movements above that felt achy, painful, or tight, along with any other movements you do in your daily life. Short and long lists are both important to act on. Then call me and together we’ll start to address your list using The Rossiter System and prevent the bigger problems down the road. This will give you a much better quality of life now and allow you to move better now with great returns on what would become a greater problem with more hassles and grater expense.
                                  Eric Goodbar, Advanced Rossiter Pain and Mobility Coach

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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